009 Tampa


The University of Florida Blockchain Lab recently attended the Florida Bitcoin and Blockchain Summit in Tampa, Florida.

This summit was an opportunity for the lab to engage with the blockchain community and learn about the latest advancements in the field. During their time at the summit, the lab conducted interviews with prominent figures in the blockchain community to gain a deeper understanding of the industry and its potential for growth.

The Florida Bitcoin and Blockchain Summit aimed to bring together stakeholders from across Florida and beyond to collaborate on driving growth in the financial technology industry and making Florida a leader in blockchain and fintech. The event brought together businesses, leaders, and enthusiasts from the fintech community to craft a clear strategy for advancing this industry in the state.

Attending the Florida Bitcoin and Blockchain Summit helped the University of Florida Blockchain Lab further their mission to create a thriving blockchain community and serve as a hub for research and educational material development. The lab’s team was able to network with individuals from various backgrounds and perspectives, gather insights into the latest advancements in the field, and bring back valuable information to share with the on-campus and wider blockchain community. This exposure to the wider blockchain ecosystem will aid the lab in creating engaging and informative educational materials, foster research collaborations, and strengthen their efforts in promoting blockchain technology at the University of Florida.